Downtown Pittsfield, Inc. and Framework will feature a brand-new photography exhibition entitled Focus on Downtown February 3 through March 26 at Framework by Downtown Pittsfield, Inc. (437 North Street).
The exhibit features three Berkshires-based photographers who will show you Downtown Pittsfield through their lens. Brian Beckett, Shaun Harmon, and Autumn Phoenix will take over the Framework gallery space with vibrant and artistic shots of Downtown. There will be a reception with the photographers on Sunday, February 23, 10 am to 12 pm, as part of the 10×10 Upstreet Winter Arts Festival. The reception will be in collaboration with the artist reception and Domingo Brunch at Dottie’s Coffee Lounge.
The show will be on view Monday through Thursday, 10 am to 2 pm, February 3 through March 26, by visiting the Downtown Pittsfield, Inc. offices at 431 North Street.
For more information, visit downtownpittsfield.com or call Downtown Pittsfield, Inc. at 413-443-6501.