The subculture forming around bringing back historical beers is, obviously, not very big, but those who like to nerd out about such things are quite passionate about it. For us (and a growing number of our regulars), vinyl records is a dovetailing interest with craft beer. Busting out old albums from back in the day or exciting finds from crate-diving at second hand shops and record shows, this once-dominant medium has been steadily winning back music fans over the last few decades.
As we do one Friday each month, we’re devoting this one to Bring Your Own Vinyl night with Pup Daddy Productions. DJ Pup Daddy will not only bring the turntables, speakers, and MC the night, but he also lets folks dig through his crates to find tracks they’d like to hear in case they don’t have any vinyl albums of their own.
Collaborators: Pup Daddy Productions